Alexander Technique
AmSAT Certified Teacher
Offices located in
Wakefield, MA and Portsmouth, NH
Wendy Carrier is a teacher of the Alexander Technique certified by the American Society for the Alexander Technique (AmSAT). She graduated from the Alexander Technique Training Center (ATTC) in Newton, MA after completing the three year training course under Ruth Kilroy and Rika Cohen. Wendy has been teaching the Alexander Technique since 2003 in Wakefield, MA and more recently in Portsmouth, NH.
Wendy is also a dental hygienist. After years of frustration dealing with neck and hand pain, she read about the Alexander Technique in a dental hygiene journal. Through private lessons, Wendy learned that her poor postural habits and excessive muscular tension and misuse were causing her pain. By using the skills taught in the Alexander Technique, she reduced the strain and compression along the spine, allowing more natural movement and coordination. Her pain was alleviated, and she was able to continue working.
Wendy continues to attend Alexander Technique conferences and teacher workshops to keep developing her skills.